For Employers

Forge provides strategic Recruitment Solutions developed to provide businesses with the resources necessary to manage their staffing needs in a cost-effective and efficient manner. We have built a database of qualified candidates across many sectors, even difficult-to-fill roles. Eliminate the need for your hiring department to screen and qualify candidates.

How It Works


Step 1: Your Requirements
We use a consultative approach to identify your requirements fully.


Step 2: Accelerated Search
We source only quality candidates based on your job requirements.


Step 3: Applicant Review
We conduct several interviews to weed out applicants who do not meet the requirements.


Step 4: Candidate Selection
We recommend suitable candidates and coordinate your interviews.


We specialize in the following industries:

  • Manufacturing
  • Engineering
  • Management
  • IT (information technology)
  • Financial
  • Accounting
  • Commercial

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